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ReValue Chains Lab Observatory

In order to achieve its goals the ReValue Chains Lab has activated its own “Observatory” aimed at systematic and longitudinal data gathering, to produce scientific research and disseminate key results among interested stakeholders.

The mission of the ReValue Chains Lab Observatory is to collect high-quality data to produce actionable insights and policies that can drive innovation and sustainable progress for Global Value Chains’ involved organizations and actors.

The ReValue Chains Lab Observatory collects and analyzes data on the evolving dynamics of global value chains in response to repeated disruptive events in the environment firms operate in. This includes examining phenomena such as the geographical relocation of value chain activities, reshoring, friend-shoring, near-shoring, and other emerging dynamics that may be affecting global value chains and their key actors involved. It aims at understanding how global value chains can transition towards more resilient and sustainable configurations, also thanks to the use of technologies.

To achieve its goals the Observatory will proceed with systematic data collection via in depth interviews with key informants and dedicated surveys. Also, secondary data collection sources are scientific papers.

The output will consist in news, reports and recommendations.

The output of the observatory will be of special interest to:

  • Smaller and larger organizations involved in regional/international/global value chains
  • Policy makers
  • International Business researchers
  • All those interested in understanding the environmental, social and technological implications of global value chains’ dynamics

In order to pursue its goals the Observatory has activated a steering committee.

Currently the Observatory’s steering committee members are:

  • Francesco Caracciolo, Direttore Assolombarda sede di Pavia;
  • Gianni Dal Pozzo, Amministratore Delegato CONSIDI;
  • Stefano Denicolai, Università degli Studi di Pavia;
  • Alberto Guidi, Research Assistant at the Centre on Business Scenario at ISPI;
  • Fulvio Liberatore, Formatore e coordinatore scientifico SKILLAB srl e fondatore di easyfrontier;
  • Giovanna Magnani, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Director of the ReValue Chains Observatory
  • Maura Magni, BMV Law Tax Finance;
  • Fabio Marazzi, BMV Law Tax Finance;
  • Andrea Noris, BMV Law Tax Finance;
  • Francesca Sanguineti, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Researcher and Manager of the ReValue Chains Observatory
  • Paola Veglio, Amministratore Delegato Brovind Vibratori S.p.A.;
  • Antonella Zucchella, Università degli Studi di Pavia;

We thank the following companies and organizations for making available resources and collaborating in the Observatory’s activities:

If you would like to know more about the Observatory’s activities or collaborate, please send an email to