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  • Birgit Hagen

    Birgit Hagen, after her PhD studies (with honors) at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, joins Sanofi Austria.

    She then moves to Sanofi Headquarters in Paris, as a Deputy to the Vice-President Europe & Strategic Marketing and, subsequently, holds Therapeutic Unit Manager/Head of Marketing positions in Sanofi Italy.

    She is now Associate Professor of International Entrepreneurship and Agile Marketing at the University of Pavia, in Double Affiliation with the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Austria.

    She is the author of many articles in leading journals, books and book chapters with a focus on international entrepreneurship and marketing. Birgit was and is involved in numerous international and national research projects, e.g. Horizon 2020, the MISE Innovation Call, Erasmus Strategic Partnership projects.

    Her teaching includes courses in the Master program in International Business and Entrepreneurship’ (MIBE), and module in “Entrepreneurship” in the PhD Program in ‘Applied Economics and Management’.

    Birgit is also involved in an international Executive PhD program of the Business Science Institute with entrepreneurship and qualitative research modules. She is the coordinator of the ‘Strategic & Global Management’ Module in the executive MBA Ticinensis where she also teaches entrepreneurial-agile marketing and strategic agility.

    Birgit is the vice-coordinator of the MSc in International Business and Entrepreneurship, the Academic Coordinator of the MIBE Double Degree Programs, and she was the executive vice-president of the University Foundation Alma Mater Ticinensis. She is a member of the international strategic advisory board of the iae business school – University of Jean-Moulin 3 in Lyon, France and of the research advisory board of the Excelia Business Schools, France.
